Long Live Casa Bella!

I know I have  vision for the store but the question is, how am I going to get there and how much is it going to cost me?  Well, no more than £2,000 which means doing a lot the work myself, oh and drafting in good friends and bribing them with lots of cups and […]

When does a shop become a dining room?

When does a shop become a dining room?

Okay, so the store closed its doors (or door) in June 2010 and the question was, how did I feel about that? Well, relieved! It meant no early starts for the family; my sister up at 05:00 to prepare the paper rounds for the delivery boys,  my brother in law who’d have to come back […]

The Village Store is dead, now what?

When I moved into my new home six years ago, I inherited a grocery store. By inherited, I mean the place was attached to my home!  So, if you’d asked me (or anybody I know) a few years earlier if I would be interested in playing postmaster and shopkeeping, you would have been laughed at. Despite this, […]